Kent mangoes


  • Boat: 4kg pack size 6/7/8/9/10/12
  • Aircraft: 6kg pack calibre 8/9/10/12

The Kent mango is a variety of mango much appreciated for its sweet, juicy and fragrant flesh. Some typical characteristics of the Kent mango:

Appearance Kent mangoes are generally medium to large in size and oval in shape. Their skin is green with shades of yellow and orange-red when ripe. The skin may be slightly wrinkled, but is generally less rough than that of other mango varieties.

Flesh : La chair de la mangue Kent est d’une couleur orangée profonde. Elle est douce, juteuse et peu fibreuse, ce qui la rend très appréciée pour la consommation directe.

Taste and Flavour : Les mangues Kent sont connues pour leur saveur sucrée et riche. Elles ont des notes de miel, de pêche et parfois de vanille. L’arôme de la mangue Kent est également intense et agréable.

Maturity To select a ripe Kent mango, look for a bright yellow colour with orange-red spots. The skin may have a few wrinkles without being excessively soft. You can also smell something sweet near the stem.

Uses Kent mangoes are excellent for eating fresh, sliced, diced or quartered. They are also perfect for fruit salads, smoothies, juices and tropical desserts.

Season The season for Kent mangoes varies according to the region in which they are grown, but they are generally available during the summer and autumn months in many regions.

Storage To extend their shelf life, store ripe Kent mangoes in the fridge. You can also freeze them for later use in preparations such as smoothies.

The Kent mango is widely regarded as one of the tastiest varieties of mango, thanks to its soft, low-fibre flesh. It is very popular in many parts of the world where mangoes are grown.


Campaign calendar :


Transport : boat

Origine & Disponibilité :  Ivory Coast April, May, June Sénégal May, June, July Burkina Faso: March, April, May

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